(image for) A Concordance of Law in the New Covenant Scriptures (eBook)

A Concordance of Law in the New Covenant Scriptures (eBook)


(347 Page eBook Download)

A Commentary on Every Occurrence of Torah in the NCS

The relationship between law and grace has been long debated since the words of the New Covenant Scriptures (NCS) were first penned. Virtually every discourse on this subject, from both sides, draws from a passage here or a passage there and becomes more of a Pauline theme than a serious comprehensive research of the subject from the beginning. Now there is one go to source that contains every occurrence of law, all of its derivatives, and a comprehensive commentary in one book. This is a must-have reference for your library. It is also very readable just as a book.

The eBook download is compatible with Kindle, iBooks, Nook and most other readers and devices, includes both ePub & MOBI formats, and is DRM-free.

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