(6 Files)
Prophecy in the Field
The identification of “he who withholds” in 2 Thessalonians 2:1–8 is imperative
in end times prophecy. Brad takes this Restrainer back to the beginning to
reveal his presence in the field from the opening chapters of
Bere’shiyt (Genesis). Embedded in the lives of Cain, Ishmael, and
Esau is the clear paradigm of the Beast of Hitgalut (Revelation) in the end.
The writings of the prophets and Yeshua’s parables continue to teach the
identity of the Restrainer as revealed in the natural things of creation. When
something is important and it is from our Master and Creator, it is everywhere.
Disc 1
Session 1: Introduction: The Restrainer and the Field
Session 2: The Principle of the Seed
Disc 2
Session 3: The Number of the Beast
Session 4: Cain, Ishmael, Esau, and the Field
Disc 3
Session 5: The Thorns
Session 6: Erev Rav (Part 1)
Disc 4
Session 7: Erev Rav (Part 2)
Session 8: In the Midst of You…
Disc 5
Session 9: The Hyksos (Part 1)
Session 10: The Hyksos (Part 2)
Disc 6
Session 11: Out of the Midst
Session 12: Who Is Holding Back Who?
Running time: 10 Hours 28 Minutes
Also available on Audio CD and in Paperback Book.