(8 CDs)
Paul the Apostle has for centuries been the poster boy for “Doing away with the Torah” in traditional Christianity and Judaism. He is considered by many outside of Christianity to be one of the false apostles Yeshua‘ warned us about. It is now being taught that Sha’ul (Paul) is actually the man of sin and the son of perdition that he himself writes about in 2 Thessalonians! His writings are still being seen from a Greek/Western point of view and twisted to conform to modern religious views regarding the instructions of our Father. In this series, Brad addresses the halakhic and ’aggadic background of Sha’ul’s words, followed by a detailed look at many of the passages that Paul’s accusers are proclaiming as evidence that he was a false witness, the founder of Christianity, hated by the other apostles, and that he actually despised the Torah.
Disc 1: Introduction: Paul and Halakhah
Disc 2: Halakhic Views
Disc 3: ’aggadic Views and Midrash
Disc 4: Laws Contained in Ordinances (Ephesians 2 & Colossians 2)
Disc 5: Paul and the Letter of the Law (Galatians 3:6–4:6)
Disc 6: Observers of Times & the Allegory of Sarah and Hagar (Galatians 4:21–31)
Disc 7: Nothing Unclean of Itself (Romans 14:4), Until the Seed Comes (Galatians 3:16–23)
Disc 8: Liberty in Messiah (Galatians 5:1–5)